Saturday, June 13, 2009


Thing Thirty-three was the interesting travel 2.0 concept. Fastfoodmaps was the mapping tool I checked out - My kind of map, but really strange to me that someone would take the time to have that much detail in a map such as this, with locations that have fast food that is touted to have, on most of the menu items, high fat content, extremely high amounts of sodium, and many calories. Makes the world a very interesting place...

I found there are a lot of people who want to share their travel adventures. It was fun to check out some of the sites. There were many that were helpful and some I've even used. The blog that I checked out was Lost Girls. This is a blog put together by three evidently rich women in their twenties who were traveling the world and keeping a journal. They even had their own intern who was following in their footsteps. Even though their travels were over, it was still interesting to read about their exploits.
TripAdvisor was the trip tool I have used in the past. It is a good site to help you get all of your plans lined up at one place. We took a trip out to the East coast and set up the whole trip complete with bookings on this. Vcarious was one of those sites where you find people very willing to share their knowledge, opinions, and information about travels they have made. I looked at exotic travel locations as well as the good ole local trip to Mount Rushmore in the Black Hills - the trip we're taking next month. I'm glad these big city people didn't give bad reviews - I could never get too much of that beautiful inspiring monument on the mountain.