Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Thing TWO

Wow - I like the concept of Library 2.0. We have been moving in this direction for a long time. I have a son who has been a gamer for at least four years now, so I have seen what keeps the attention of a teenager, and how we would have to compete with that format.

The ARLD Seminar a few years ago on gaming and the library really presented a new facet to libraries. It was really easy for me to relate to it as it applied to my situation. This really has all of the IM, Virtual, Socializing, Engaging, Hands-on learning experiences all rolled into one big happy avatar.

Our students are most engaged in the lab when they are socializing in the online environments through Facebook and Myspace - so we as librarians have a major challenge ahead of us to compete with this exciting medium.

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